【同义词辨析】 2017-07-12 意义meaning-sense

meaning: is the general term used of anything, such as a word, sign, poem, or action, requiring or allowing of interpretation: the poem's ~ has been fiercely debated.

sense: denotes the meaning or a particular meaning of a word or phrase: used "nighthawk" in its figurative ~. 夜鹰,夜生活者  比喻的

acceptation: is used of a sense of a word or phrase as regularly understood by most people: the writer isn't using "sane" in its common ~.

signification: denotes the established meaning of a term, symbol, or character: any Christian would immediately know the ~ of "INRI".     INRI拉丁语中"拿撒勒人耶稣,犹太人的王"的首字母缩写,Latin acronym for "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews"

significance: applies to a covert as distinguished from the ostensible meaning of an utterance, act, or work of art: an agreement that seemed to have little ~ at the time.  covert未公开的:强调不公开这一事实stresses the fact of not being open or declared,如covert operations against guerrilla forces针对游击队的秘密行动)  ostensible表面上的宣称的implies what is openly declared or logically implied,如business was the ostensible reason for their visit他们到访的表面目的是谈生意)

import: suggests momentousness and denotes the meaning or impression a speaker conveyed through language: failed at first to appreciate the ~ of the news.  moment时刻,派生出两个形容词, momentary表示短暂来了就走suggests coming and going quickly,如Trump met Liu He momentarily in the conference room特朗普去会议室短暂会见了刘鹤;momentary表示重要即本词的形容词important。只能死记)   convey连续传送传达suggests the continuous movement of something in mass,如the pipeline conveys oil for more than a thousand miles管道将石油传送到千里之外。传送conveyer belt,如please put your check-in baggage on the conveyer belt请把您的托运行李放到传送带上)

meaning意义: 通用任何可以阐释的事物或现象,如词语符号诗歌行为,sense词意: 表示词或短语的意思,acceptation常用词意: 词或短语的常用大家熟知的意思,signification意义: 指确定的意义(established meaning),如术语符号字符的确定意义,significance意义: 指隐含的而不是外显的意义,用于声明行动作品等,import意义: 表示重要意义

记忆方法: 1)首字母MSASSI是群众is mass<==意义是群众        中文中的"词义"和"词意"经常混用,它们有区别,"词义"包括词的本义和引申义,一个词的最初的含义称作本义,以本义为出发点,根据它反映的事物现象的特点,词在发展过程中会产生与本义相关但不相同的意义,称作引申义。"词意"是词包含的意思。词义sense,词意meaning。同义词指"词义"相近(本义或引申义);每组最后归纳的...的意思是...,是这一组词的"词意"

          2)意义的意思是传达给大脑的想法mean an idea which is conveyed to the mind.   idea泛指想法主意是想法的基础词,20171215